Tax Facts Tax Counseling and Tax Planning Programs
“Tax Reform” didn’t quite hit its goal in reducing the complexities of tax law.
In fact, just the opposite has transpired. Numerous prior code sections and regulations that make up our conglomeration of tax laws have been modified or stricken with numerous new codes and regulations sections joining into the complex mixture.
What you did before, what you knew before is taking on a whole new dimension in the tax years to come. Our team of Enrolled Agents Tax Experts has you covered! These are our areas of expertise and we specialize in knowing the most up-to-date tax laws and how they affect your businesses every day. We’re by your side to guide you through these reform changes!
Our tax professionals help business owners analyze future tax circumstances and decisions to capitalize on potential tax savings making the most of every tax option, credit and deduction your business is eligible for. Leaving nothing wastefully “on-the-table”.
These ongoing and long-term processes are recommended for at least quarterly review to enable you to benefit from all tax provisions that are available to you and your growing business.
Experience a change from the typical “Year-End” tax planning that often serves little purpose for the current tax year since it’s generally too late to capitalize on most tax savings. Engage Tax Facts Tax Professionals for your “Year-Round” Tax Counseling and Tax Planning to witness your business successes!
To enroll your business entity contact us, one of our Enrolled Agent Tax Professionals will be in touch with you shortly to begin your tax savings!
Business Income Tax Returns Professional Preparation Overview
Whether your business entity is a Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, S Corporation or C Corporation Tax Facts business income tax returns preparation services offer you a full range of business tax compliance options at very affordable rates based upon the complexity and involvement associated with your business income tax returns types.
Our Enrolled Agents are tax experts with the qualifications, knowledge, and experience in federal and multiple states tax laws that benefit you to minimize tax liabilities while maximizing your tax savings. Our experts work diligently to assist you in taking advantage of all potential credits or deductions that are legally available for your business entity.
We understand as business owners, officers, shareholders or partners, your busy schedules. We conduct brief online meetings so you can focus your attention on running your business, therefore most business income tax returns types can be prepared by our team of Enrolled Agent Tax Experts without the necessity for you to come to the office directly.
A Secure File Portal is provided for you at no additional cost to securely transmit your:
- Business Tax Information Organizer and Engagement Terms
- Profit and Loss Statement
- Balance Sheet Statements
- General Ledger Reports
- And Other required documents as detailed in the Business Tax Information Organizer
If your business entity does not have financial statements and reports obtainable from a computerized accounting software, our professional tax experts can provide you with alternative methods to provide your business entity income and expenses information for them. We offer both Excel and fillable .pdf options.
Our professional tax experts can conduct convenient online meetings with you to address any questions and review your completed business income tax returns prior to signing and electronic filing transmission to the various tax authorities.
We take the difficulties out of this process for you!
To schedule your business federal and state business income tax returns professional preparation and electronic filing contact us, one of our Enrolled Agent Tax Experts will contact you shortly to arrange convenient scheduling for you.
Business Delinquent Tax Returns Professional Preparation Overview
Does your business have prior years unfiled tax returns or delinquent tax payments?
Our Enrolled Agent Tax Experts can help you regain tax compliance before the IRS or state tax authorities take action against you to force compliance.
Voluntarily taking steps to reestablish compliance will substantially lessen penalties, interest accruals and even the potential for criminal determinations regarding the non-compliance issues. We understand that sometimes “things” just happen. However, the tax authorities are not quite as sympathetic.
Our tax experts can help guide your path if you are missing documents or other source information.
Let us help you make-it-right!
Contact us, to schedule a conference with our Enrolled Agent Tax Experts today!
Business Delinquent Payroll Tax Payments
Does your business entity owe delinquent payroll tax payments?
Our Enrolled Agent Tax Experts can help you and your business regain tax compliance before the IRS or state tax authorities take action against you to force compliance with the mandatory requirements for payroll tax liability payments.
These are SERIOUS non-compliance issues that many business owners, officers, shareholders, and partners do not fully understand the ramifications of.
TRUST FUND RECOVERY PENALTIES can be assessed against any responsible party of the business entity that has failed to make the payroll tax payment(s).
TFRP is a 100% penalty assessment applied against each business owner, each business officer, each business shareholder, each business partner and can even be assessed against any employee or spouse who had authority to or access to make the payroll tax payments but failed to do so!
Yes, you are reading this correctly! The IRS has the capability to assess a PERSONAL CIVIL PENALTY against any of these parties that is equal to the amount of unpaid payroll tax liabilities including late payment penalties and interest.
These are urgent tax issues that our Enrolled Agent Tax Experts and U.S. Tax Court Practitioner counsels can help you resolve!
Don’t delay contact us today!
Has your business entity, officers, shareholders or partners received an IRS Notice?
Do you have a family member, friend, employee or colleague that has received an IRS Notice?
Please click on the IRS Representation tab to learn more about IRS examinations, audits, deficiencies, liens, levies and many other tax controversies issues our Tax Experts can resolve.
We encourage you to share this information with other people you know to protect their taxpayer’s rights too.
In these circumstances, delays or inadequate responses or improper procedures could compromise your taxpayer rights.
The tax authorities issue hundreds of different types of notices. Any notice is an urgent matter!
Ignoring any notice can have consequences and compromise your rights to certain procedural opportunities.
When your case is represented by our team of tax controversy experts you can rest peacefully knowing that your rights are protected. Our experts specialize in the complexities of compliance regulations and tax laws that affect individuals, couples, business owners, corporation officers, shareholders, partners and other responsible parties.
We guarantee you will receive expert advisement from our tax professionals regarding your tax circumstances and zealous representation to resolve the tax matters.
We are available for either in-person or online meeting consultations to review your unique tax circumstances and arrange for representation engagement to achieve resolution.
Don’t delay, contact us today, our Enrolled Agent Tax Professionals can resolve these tax problems!
WARNING: Individuals and Business Foreign Travelers
Revocation of U.S. Passports
Renewal Denial of U.S. Passports
Denial of New U.S. Passport Applications
Does your business entity, you or you and your spouse jointly owe $50,000.00 or more to the IRS in unpaid prior year’s tax liabilities?
If you owe the IRS unpaid back taxes, penalties and interest from prior tax years that is in excess of $50,000.00 that is not already subject to a payment or settlement agreement, the IRS has begun implementing procedures affecting individuals with “seriously delinquent tax debts”.
This means that the IRS has the authority to notify the State Department of taxpayers owing delinquent tax debts which requires the State Department to either REVOKE or LIMIT an existing U.S. Passport of the taxpayer(s) or DENY RENEWAL for an existing U.S. Passport of the taxpayer(s) or DENY APPLICATION for a new U.S. Passport of the taxpayer(s).
This is a SERIOUS matter affecting individuals and family’s ability to engage in any foreign travel that requires a U.S. Passport for the purposes of either leaving or reentering the United States. This is also affecting business travelers similarly expecting to engage in travels outside the U.S.
Contact us IMMEDIATELY if these circumstances apply to your business, you or you and your spouse!
Share this information if you know a family member, friend, co-worker, employee or professional colleague that is in jeopardy of having their passport revoked, limited or denied!
Waiting until TSA or U.S. Customs won’t let you on the airplane will be too late!
The fact that you have a purchased airline ticket won’t matter!
Our Enrolled Agents are federally licensed Tax Experts that can implement intervention procedures to reverse a certification and restore the active status of your U.S. Passport or Passport application.
Our United States Tax Court Practitioner counsels are admitted to the U.S. Tax Court Bar with the capability to petition your case for litigation under the jurisdiction of Tax Court for passport-related actions erroneously issued or failures to reverse a certification.